
ERICE: 8 Km far from Trapani
The place where myth is interwoven with history and where archaeology is witness of the ancient peoples and civilizations lives. The Elimi called it Iruka, the Punics Erech, the Greeks and the Romans Eryx. Wonderful panoramic position on Trapani, Erice was founded by Elimi who erected the temple dedicated to the worship of the goddess of fertility and love.
Successive rulers called the temple as their god, and there adored Tanit Phoenix-Astarte, the Greek Aphrodite, the Romany Venus Ericina. On the ruins of the Temple stands today Venus Castle, where you can see also the elimo-Punic walls, the Mother Church, the Garden of Balio, the Museo Civico A. Cordici.
The town is walled cyclopean planting elimo (VIII century. BC). The old town has a typical medieval urban layout with narrow and sinuous in which overlook beautiful flowered courtyards. For Erice is also the Centre for Scientific Culture "Ettore Majorana", where seminars and meetings of the greatest scientists world are often organized.